August 2008

Surprise! More College Costs By Janet Bodnar
Tuition, room and board aren't the only bills a student will rack up at school. Here are six unexpected costs to anticipate, and tips to ease the financial pinch.
When Banks Fail, What Does it Mean to My Mortgage?
Last month, the fallout from the mortgage crisis took a rather unusual turn. For the first time in 20 years, several US banks went belly-up, most notably IndyMac Bank, the second largest financial institution to fail in US history, and one of the largest mortgage lenders in the country. Suddenly, IndyMac’s bank account and mortgage holders found themselves in uncharted territory – what did this mean to their money and, more importantly, what did it mean to their homes?
Last-Minute Vacations When spontaneity leads to savings
All our lives we have been taught to plan ahead. It is a sound, almost inarguable philosophy that increases our chances of success by using time and organization to our advantage. But when it comes to the subject of vacations, especially this year, success could mean waiting until the 11th hour to book the trip.
Protecting Yourself from the Sun
A “golden tan” is not only the objective of every sun-worshiper, it’s also become an outward indicator of one’s overall health. Medically speaking though, these are very dangerous sentiments, especially when you consider the potential ramifications of unprotected exposure to the sun.
Cooking Without Fire, Part 3 A summertime tradition takes a bit of a twist By Kirk Leins
If you’ve been reading YOU Magazine for the last several years, you are most likely familiar with my annual series, Cooking Without Fire. For newcomers, the series is intended as my homage to the summertime heat. Better yet, it’s my homage to the meal preparer in your home.
Don't Know What You've Got...'Til It's Gone!
Think for a minute about all the information you store on your computer. If you’re like most people, you probably have years worth of office work, research, addresses and phone numbers, school work, and thousands of irreplaceable family photos. Not to mention important financial information and the expensive software that runs the entire system! But what happens when your computer goes on strike - when it just stops working?
More Email Etiquette By Page Moseley
Email etiquette is something we don’t consciously think about on a day-to-day basis. Tim Sanders, who wrote for a previous issue of YOU Magazine, founded Deeper Media Inc. and participated in the biggest study ever done on email usage and how it makes people feel. This article presents a guide that can bring anyone up-to-speed on how to get into good email habits.